Thursday, August 28, 2014

What's Next?!?!

    I've made a vow to my blog to write more this year. To carve out time to get some thoughts, opinions, and ideas down. Not because they are any good, but just because I feel better when I do write on the blog. So here is the beginning of the vow.

   So the last few months have been pretty wild and crazy in Oklahoma Education. We saw the demise of Common Core, removal of 3rd Grade retention law, additional money given to funding formula, the annihilation of our State Superintendent in a Republican Primary, The democrats need a runoff election to decide their nominee, and our governor's poll number plummet. Very interesting times in Oklahoma. I mean, that's a lot of comma's to get that all in there. But nonetheless an exciting time. But what is next? Here is what I hope happens. Even if the Rolling Stones say I can't always get what I want, I can still dream.

   First, lets hope we can put an end to VAM! This is one of the dumbest, most unfair, unreliable, scientific ideas I have ever read about. If you can't apply it evenly and fairly to all teachers, then it needs to be gone. One of my biggest problem is what it would do with inner city or poverty stricken schools. Where's the incentive to go to a struggling school? To help the kids that probably need it the most. I want to hear that sales pitch. "Hey, want to come work here where you make the same amount of money as everyone else, but I'm going to have to fire you in two years when your test scores aren't on par with everyone else. " The Deformers say poverty doesn't mean you can't succeed. I agree with that. Truth is though, it does make it a whole lot harder, and it does create obstacles. Creating another obstacle to the best teachers does not make it easier for them to succeed. If it's bad for teachers and bad for students, doesn't make much sense to keep it around. Hope the legislature get this train wreck off the tracks before it really starts.

    Second, We have to address the teacher shortage. My first point is one area that would help with the teacher shortage. To say teachers haven't left the profession because of the new evaluation system coming would mean you're oblivious to this problem we have created. The biggest problem we have with the issue of teacher shortage, is it takes money to fix it. I'm sorry, but that is just the facts. The pay scale needs an overhaul. Mostly increasing the amount in between the step raises. Teachers deserve better than to be at poverty level after 25 years of service. If you want better teachers, we should also increase the difference in a masters degree and a bachelors degree. No question a teacher who gets a masters degree in their field or one related gains a better understanding of their craft. We also need to invest more into the development of teachers. We get about $75 per teacher per year for their professional development. We don't mind spending for an elaborate system to evaluate but don't spend to develop teachers craft. Makes sense to me! So to wrap up point two, End VAM, raise pay, and spend on professional development. This not all the issues with the job, but I think it is a great start.

   Lastly, I hope we elect the right people in November. I'm not saying who I think they are or that I know who would be best. But our governor position, elected officials, and state superintendent positions are vital. You have to be willing to forget about party, whatever party that is for you, and decide who is best for Oklahoma. More and more there are outside people getting involved for special interests. We have to make sure that our elected officials are in it for the greater good, not their good. That they have the expertise needed to do the job successfully. That will bring people together not divide this great state.

Well, I think that is a nice start to the vow! Have a great day!!